

Orthodontic treatment is for the purpose of straightening teeth, either purely for cosmetic reasons or for achieving the correct alignment and bite. In most cases, it is a combination of both. This can be done privately or via the NHS (subject to criteria and suitability).

Our Specialist Orthodontist, Gauthum Sivamurthy, provides consultations to assess each patients needs and requirements on an individual basis. Treatment, using the traditional brace system, is then provided by him and his Orthodontic team of Therapist and Nurses. NHS brace treatment is available to anyone under the age of 26 and is subject to strict NHS criteria. Private brace treatments are available to patients of any age with white or metal brace options to choose from.

At Trinity Dental Practice, we offer a clear aligner system called Invisalign. This system can straighten minor to complex teeth misalignment. The length of treatment can take on average 6 months, but this is dictated by your Dentist depending on how complex your case is. Invisalign consultations are complimentary and are available at both of our practices.

Get in touch

Whether you need advice or have any type of enquiry about the work we do, we would love to hear from you.